Thursday, December 20, 2007

Presents for Teachers

To my horror, a parent stuck a note in Annabelle's folder asking that we (parents of the kids in her class) give money in order to collectively buy a gift card to the local teacher supply store as a present for the teachers. So they can buy stuff FOR OUR KIDS with a present for them???!!! I used all kinds of restraint and didn't call that parent to let her know what a teacher's perspective might be on this (although I think it would have been to her advantage, but hopefully she'll learn in the years to come). She must be a first experience with teachers... We PAY money for these kids to go to pre-school. That money should be ample enough to supply those classrooms! The kicker was that she said the office staff (director of the school) suggested the teacher supply store... Makes me want to vomit! Okay...enough with the rant.

Both kids have 5 teachers in each of their classrooms. There is one "go to" person that is supposed to be their main teacher, but in reality, all 5 of them interact with the kids equally. So, instead of giving just one teacher a present, we give something to all 5. We made peppermint bark, gingerbread cookies and the popsicle stick reindeer for 10! Overall, I think the product turned out pretty well and the kids had fun with the preparation!

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