Friday, January 7, 2011

Brief December Run Down

The Holiday Season started of with the Train of Lights. We've done this before, in '06 and in  '07 , but haven't been since. We went with a huge group of people, and the weather was oddly warm. The kids had a ball, and it was a great way to get in the holiday spirit!

Up in the "loft" of the old caboose!

 The "loft" from the outside. Annabelle didn't like how high it was, so it was a no-go for her.

Another Santa visit!

Candy Canes!

Wyatt had his very first piano recital. Here he is playing a song while singing it. I love how the teacher asks the kids to sing along with their playing. My pictures are dark, but it was absolutely precious!

The whole group of students!

Our annual Santa Hat pictures! Too hard to edit down the pictures, so I tried something new! Turn the volume up, there's music!!!

Next was Cousins' Christmas! It was such a great day. It's fun to see the kids getting older and enjoying each others' gift giving and gift getting. They are all growing up so much. It's so fun and so hard, all at the same time!!!

Look at all these big kids sitting around the table! They take up the whole place!!!

One day after school, Annabelle diligently drew a picture for every one of her cousins, then proceeded to wrap them! Here are the girls opening theirs. They were so sweet about it!

Opa talking on the play telephone with Daph!

The boys got these crazy fish pillows from Opa!

The girls all got fun hats from Aunt Karyn and family.

Our own family has a tradition of decorating gingerbread cookies with Amanda and Aurora, while they're down' here for Cousins' Christmas. With the remodel going on, I was considering chucking it for this year, but when I had independent conversations with Wyatt and Annabelle about what was coming up, they both - independently of each other - mentioned decorating cookies with the girls. SO, of course I could not disappoint! Sunday after the gift exchange extravaganza, I went back to Fred's and rolled, cut and baked the cookies (Aurora and Jennifer hung at our house while Daph napped - Wyatt and Annabelle went to Aunt Chieko's).

Then, Monday I had Amanda, Aurora, Jennifer and Brian (plus my kids) over for cookie decorating. It was so much fun! They hung out while I made the frosting (plugged my KitchenAid in in the laundry room!), and then helped mixing colors, filling pastry bags, etc. They decorated some beautiful cookies (oops, now that I think of it, I didn't take any pics of them!), and all had a great time.

Brian decorated three cookies and was DONE! Gotta give him credit for engaging!

Hard at work!

Then it was finally Christmas Eve!!! With the excitement and anticipation hanging in the air, it was time to decorate the Gingerbread House that we always put out for Santa. I can see the kids' creativity and maturity developing in their decorating design. Wyatt chose the front of the house, Annabelle took the back and a roof, and Daphne ate candy! No, Daph did decorate some, but she definitely ate more than she decorated. Towards the end of the pictures, you'll see that I'm trying to block her from the house! I have to say, I think it's one of the best Gingerbread houses, yet! And, a great way to pass some time on a night where the time seems to stand still (if you're a kid. If you're an adult who didn't start wrapping until after 8:30 p.m., well, then the night was slipping away as fast as can be!).


Uh, that's enough!!!

The goods set out for Santa (Daph is already in bed), and the monkeys being super silly!

Sleep tight! Hope Santa likes his treats!

Christmas Day was fun!!! The kids were patient and excited! They woke up around the normal time (7:00 ish) and were great about watching each other open their (many...too many?!) presents. At the end, Annabelle was quiet for a moment, and looking around, and then said quietly, "I got everything I wanted!" Music to her Mama's ears!!!

Check it OUT!!!

Opa's here, let the opening begin!!!

But first, let me see if I can sneak a bite!

The grand finale was a scavenger hunt, where the clues were written on the back of these puzzle pieces...a TRAMPOLINE!!!

After our home celebration, the marathon continued: on to Fred's for the adults to exchange gifts. Then home for 2 or so hours, then on to Chieko and John's for Christmas Dinner. It's a lot of fun, but a bit exhausting! When we got home from dinner, we took down the tree and cleaned up the loot, as in the morning we packed up and headed to Tahoe!

Ready to play in the snow!

I'm not sure that smile could get bigger!

I gave her 5 minutes before wanting to come back in. She LOVED sledding, and was out for over a half hour!

One of the family dinners. Kids had to eat first, then adults. Not enough room for all 13 of us at once!

We headed home on Wednesday so Matthew could work a little on Thursday. For New Year's Eve, 3 other families met us at the local skating rink for a late afternoon session. GREAT FUN!!! Then we went to a pizza place, where they (wink, wink) let us bring in some champagne! We ate and hung out (the place was EMPTY!), and all of a sudden it was almost 9:00! We all scurried to our own homes to toast to the NY New Year's! It was the best way to bring in the New Year!

New Year's Day and the Trampoline! It was wet and cold, but they were adamant about jumping! It has been wet and/or really, REALLY cold ever since, and they still demand to jump every day! So many giggles and laughs.

Okay, so that wasn't so brief! Next up is the Remodel Update! Things are really moving along! As I sit here, the sheetrock is piled in the great room to be, and the crew is starting tomorrow! (Sat. 1/8/2011) YIPEEEEE!!!