Monday, July 30, 2012

Our 40th!

We had a party under the lights (for ourselves!)! It was SO much fun! Good food, fun friends and lots of chatter and laughter. What a great way to start a new decade for both of us! And, the best thing?! Sean coming down to surprise me, for the weekend!

My sweet friend and neighbor was the photographer for the night and she did a GREAT job!

The girl's table!

The boy's table! (no we didn't plan it this way!)

The girls from Alamo School!

The sweet photographer and her hubs!

A quick thank you for coming and celebrating with us! (I spoke, too, just no pics!)

 First try at the late night crew pic (late night meaning midnight! That's how we roll in our 40's!)

I'm such a lucky girl that my brother loves me this much!!!

 And my hubby, too!

 Stay tuned for the photo booth pictures! They are really, really fun!