Saturday, June 28, 2008

First two weeks of summer vacation

Two weeks down, lots more fun to go! The first week was pretty mellow, kind of. Wyatt started his Dynamite Dolfins swim team. This is an abbreviated swim team/lesson three times a week. The goal is to get the young kids used to the swim team atmosphere and teach them some of the strokes they will need to know to compete next year. Wyatt is loving it, of course, and seems to be doing very well (from my unbiased perspective, of course!).

Annabelle started her guppy swim program which is basically group swim lessons twice a week for 30 min., with the swim team head coach. It follows directly after Wyatt's, which is great for all of us! Both kids are pretty exhausted from the swimming and have been napping on the days they swim. Good for the pregnant mommy!!!

The swimming continues through the month of July, and I think Wyatt gets to participate in a couple of mini-swim meets in July. Although getting everyone and everything (lunches, etc.) packed for the pool all week long can get tiresome (especially when there are other camps to contend with, too), it gives structure to our days, which is great!

At the end of last week, we had some crazy storm where there was dry lightening. This started over 800 different fires around Northern California. Added to the couple of massive forest fires already burning, it feels like everything is burning around us. The closest fire is in Napa, but we are feeling the intensity of all of them through the gross, thick, brown/gray smoke layer that has not left our skies for over 7 days. It is really starting to get to me. Today is the first day I've actually been able to see the blue sky, but the smoke is still there. The sun is a weird kind of beautiful orange during the day (if you can see it) and the moon is the same kind of orange at night - again, if you can even see it. It's supposed to be cleared off around Monday, but luckily, we'll be in the clean air of Washington by then!

This week, Annabelle had a dance camp at the same place she did her creative movement class in the Spring. It was 2 hours per day Mon. thru Fri. She had a blast! The theme was princess related. Each day they would do a dance for a certain princess and then spend some time making a prop to go with that princess. On Friday, they had a performance for the parents with their props! It was really cute. We will definitely do this one again!

Getting ready for the first dance.

Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Little Mermaid (I don't know what's with the tongue!?)

Cinderella dressed in rags.

Cinderella Dance (the mop became the prince!)

Digging in her "cubby" for her next prop!

A beautifully decorated pinwheel!

We're off to Washington for the Fourth of July! It looks like the weather might be good for us while we're there! We will have tons of great pictures and stories when we return!

The Princess on her Bike

We were finally able to encourage Annabelle to try her bike again. She's been on it quite a few times, but hasn't been able to get the pedalling part down. When we suggested she try again, she said she didn't know how and that Matthew needed to teach her. So, teach her, he did! She had a lot of fun, and I think she will venture out into the cul-de-sac soon!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

You know it's been a long time when...

You go to upload photos and you have to turn your camera over and over and around a couple of times before you find that little door that opens where you plug the USB cord in! Lack of motivation and just being busy are my only excuses!

So here's a brief recap of the past month:

The whole Mundelius clan went to Sea Ranch for Memorial Day weekend. There were 7 adults and 6 kids. We all had a blast. It was great to be together, and the cousins played and played, but the real reason was to give Pat a final sending off (well, her ashes at least). It was a beautiful day on Sunday. We walked to this place we call the Secret Bench. Each of the brothers and Fred took turns pouring the ashes into the ocean. After, each of the grandkids sent a rose or rose petals off the cliff. It was perfect. Fred was really grateful to have us all there - especially the grandkids. He felt like they kept the whole thing exactly what it needed to be - short and sweet, not too melodramatic, yet thoughtful.
Annabelle's rose caught on a tree branch and hung there in the wind. It was perfect!

Fred, John, Michael and Matthew took the kids to the beach on Saturday.

Annabelle and Jennifer in their driftwood fort.

The boys being....boys!

Getting wetsuits on to go abalone diving on Sunday.

John and Michael ready to head in.

Michael and John way out there, JJ in the front.

Matthew and Wyatt up on rocks. Brian and Maile in foreground.

Annabelle kickin' it in the sand!
I think I may have been the one most fascinated with the sea stars (a.k.a. star fish!)! They were beautiful!

The girls tide-pooling together.

JJ is such a great cousin!

A HUGE flock of pelicans flying over!

Watching Uncle John come in!

Here he comes!!!

I missed the funniest picture! John lost his balance and fell backwards into the drink! The kids got a big kick out of it, and continued to be mesmerized by the whole process of getting out of the water in a wetsuit and flippers!!!

Here comes Michael with the crowd behind him!

Brian showing off one of the abalone!

Tagging the abalone and feeling how slimy it is!

Michael carving up the bounty of abalone. (This was Monday's bounty!)

The next week and weekend revolved around preparations for a Celebration of Life party for Pat. I think there were about 85 people that came. It turned out perfect...I think exactly what she wanted. Fred and the boys all spoke. They did an amazing job of putting into words what their mother meant to them. No easy task. Quite a few other people shared as well. It was beautiful.

The end of the T-ball season came and went. Wyatt had a great time, and as crazy as I thought it was to have so many games, I think I will miss the mid-week change-up of going to the games. The were a nice diversion! No worries, though...swimming starts next week!

Getting his first trophy from Coach Perry!

The A's!

Wyatt oficially graduated from Pre-school this week. The teachers put on a cute little ceremony for the parents and kids. It was really cute!

Showing his porfolio to Matthew

Annabelle had her last dance class for this sessioin. The Creative Movement class was wonderful. It absolutely fits Annabelle's personality and stage. The teacher would tell stories and give the kids costumes and props to dance around with. Lots of creative energy and dramatic play.

Getting started!

Stretching is important for dancers!

Twelve Dancing Princesses! Well, actually only 7...

Playing a dragon!

Dragons dancing around the Queens!

After the Queens recouped their jewels, they danced with the dragons!

101 Dalmations!