Sunday, December 23, 2007

More Holiday Fun

Friday, all of the Mundelius cousins (Amanda - 16, Aurora - 14, Jennifer - 12, Brian -9, Jackson - 5, Maile - 4, Wyatt - 4 & Annabelle - 2) got together to practice a play that Jennifer had written over the Thanksgiving break. The play is an adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk and bears the same name. JJ (aka Jennifer) did an amazing job writing and co-directing!

Aurora and JJ directing Annabelle and Maile

Maile and Annabelle exiting the stage

Saturday evening we went on the Sunol Train of Lights. It's pretty tame, but a fun holiday outing. The old train cars are completely lit with holiday lights. We had hot toddies and hot cocoa and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus!

Sippin' some hot chocolate!

There's Santa!

I'm pretty sure he heard me say I want a Transformer!

Look at the side of the train...there's the lights!

Sunday we had our annual Mundelius Cousin's Christmas. The cousins were able to perform their play, and did an amazing job! Wyatt nailed his lines and could possibly have a career in acting!!! (I have a video...just working on uploading) After exchanging presents amongst the cousins, the kids had some time to play. Annabelle had some great responses when opening her gifts: "Oh my gosh" & "This is unbelievable!" Imagine these being said with the utmost inflection! It was hysterical...especially when this was said while looking at the BACK of the gift that was all white!!! We left from there and headed straight to the airport to pick up grandma and grandpa. The kids were excited as always to see them!

Breakfast with the cousins!

Annabelle and cousin Aurora

We have a breather of a day (kind of) tomorrow, and then the big day! The kids are loaded with excitement and crazy energy!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Presents for Teachers

To my horror, a parent stuck a note in Annabelle's folder asking that we (parents of the kids in her class) give money in order to collectively buy a gift card to the local teacher supply store as a present for the teachers. So they can buy stuff FOR OUR KIDS with a present for them???!!! I used all kinds of restraint and didn't call that parent to let her know what a teacher's perspective might be on this (although I think it would have been to her advantage, but hopefully she'll learn in the years to come). She must be a first experience with teachers... We PAY money for these kids to go to pre-school. That money should be ample enough to supply those classrooms! The kicker was that she said the office staff (director of the school) suggested the teacher supply store... Makes me want to vomit! Okay...enough with the rant.

Both kids have 5 teachers in each of their classrooms. There is one "go to" person that is supposed to be their main teacher, but in reality, all 5 of them interact with the kids equally. So, instead of giving just one teacher a present, we give something to all 5. We made peppermint bark, gingerbread cookies and the popsicle stick reindeer for 10! Overall, I think the product turned out pretty well and the kids had fun with the preparation!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Activities

We went to see Santa last week. The kids were both excited and eager. Wyatt had a new list of things he talked to Santa about (Transformers, the Incredibles DVD, and...there was one other thing, but I can't remember right now!). Annabelle told Santa she wants Cinderella. I don't really think it matters in what shape or form...she is just in love with all of the Disney princesses. The picture (that I am less one arm and leg for) turned out not so good.'s the experience that counts, right?!

I'm coming to find that both kids are not so compliant when asked to pose for photos these days. I can catch Wyatt, and he almost always looks good (very photogenic, he is), but's MUCH tougher to get a good one of her. For starters, she doesn't really look at the camera. Also, when she does her "cheese" face, her eyebrows turn downward as if she's getting ready to attack! Or, one will cooperate and the other won't! I just need to go back to the candid photos...I can usually get better ones that way!

We went to see a play put on by a children's theater company at the Lesher Center in Walnut Creek on Saturday. The play is called "The Greatest Gift". The kids loved it, and the length and storyline were perfect for them. The kids were dressed cute, so I tried to get some pictures...ugh...these aren't very good, but here they are:

This weekend we are going on the Train of Lights through the Sunol Valley. We're really looking forward to that! Then Grandma and Grandpa fly in on Sunday and the real craziness of Christmas begins!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Time keeps a rollin'

Wow, how time flies! After Matthew got back from Missouri, I took off to Santa Barbara for a great mom's weekend. I don't think I've been that relaxed, for that long, in 4 years!

Then it was full swing into Thanksgiving preparations! I hosted and prepared my first ever Thanksgiving. Kind of a big deal since I had sworn up and down that I would never, ever cook a turkey (because I didn't want to actually handle the thing). I got over my "thing" and pulled it off alright!
It was a pretty quiet one, considering we only had Pat & Fred (Matthew's parents) and John & Chieko...kind of. Jackson got sick that day, so John and Chieko had to tag-team. Only 5 adults actually ate the food I had prepared for about 20. I think Matthew had turkey for 3 meals a day for the following 4 days straight, and I am still eating stuffing!!! We don't have any pictures from the meal...our camera broke while I was away (hmmmmm....). I have a whole new appreciation for all those who have prepared Thanksgiving meals in the past! It was a lot of fun, but a lot of work!!!

We attended our first Christmas event at the annual Tree Lighting of the old oak tree in downtown Danville. The kids had their first encounter with Santa there...Annabelle went up to retrieve her candy cane from him, but that was about it for her. She wasn't scared, but I don't think she really knew what to do, either. Wyatt stepped right up and started describing the littany of things that he wants. When I say describing, that's exactly what I mean...he doesn't actually know the names of many of the toys he wants, which is funny, and difficult to really pin down exactly what it is that he's talking about! What was really cute was later the next day, Wyatt said, "Oh darn! I forgot to tell Santa to bring a learning bike for Annabelle!" He has it on his wishlist and everything...what a sweet big brother!

We got our tree this weekend and decorated it with care. Annabelle helped out a little, but lost interest pretty quickly. She moved on to "cooking" with her pretend food and our silver tea setting pieces, while the rest of us finished the job. Later on in the evening, Annabelle started putting "presents" in her stocking for good little girls and boys. We each got a puzzle piece! She is very entertaining, to say the least!

We've been working on some holiday crafts...they will be presents for the kids' preschool teachers and whomever else gets lucky! The kids have really been in to it...they are currently into mass-producing popsicle stick reindeer!

I tried to get a new picture of the kids in their Santa hats, but they weren't so cooperative...I'm going to try again later...I won't even begin to speak to the attitude that goes along with that face! We're on to a new "phase"! Sooooo much fun!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying getting into the spirit of the season!