Thursday, June 9, 2011

Big Girl Choice

About 2 months ago:

Annabelle: Mom, I want bangs.
Me: Uhhhh...I don't think so....uhhhh...I like your hair without bangs. Why do you want bangs?
Annabelle: I don't know...Because I like them.
Me: Is there someone that has bangs that you want to be like?
Annabelle: Nooooooooo....
Me: Well, let's wait a while. I think your hair might be too hard to do with bangs. (huh?!)

But really? Why do I care? It's just hair, and it's something she thinks she really wants, and she's not asking for a mohawk or purple hair or, or, or....

So yesterday after school I took the kids in for a trim. I wasn't even really thinking about bangs, but when she got in the chair and the lady asked, I asked Annabelle if she still wanted them, and of course she said yes.

I'm not sure I love them, but it's a harmless request, and maybe they'll grow on me.

Last Day of School Carnage

I'm not looking forward to going through all of this. Why? Because I have to choose what to get rid of.

I'm so glad it's summer break. So sad that it means my kids are a school year older. Boo hoo!!! A first grader and a third grader!

Field Day

Only Annabelle can make dressing for Field Day an event! This was day two of dressing practically in all pink. Daphne has learned quickly how fun dressing up can be. This was the second time she spent the morning running around with me in the yellow dress! The funny thing is, she's not so sure she likes all the attention she gets from strangers.

Pinky and her sidekick Sunshine!

Rainy Day

Last Saturday was swim team Time Trials. As it turned out, Wyatt needed to stay home because of an ear infection. Lucky me! No, really. I got to stay home with he and Daphne and another little friend while the others braved time trials in the POURING rain!

I was able to play with Daph and Hannah, Wyatt hung, we went for a rain walk, made home made play dough. It was great! And, Annabelle did great at Time Trials, even though she was wet and cold to the bone by the time she got home!