Monday, July 27, 2009


Except that here you can really see how much they look alike in their eyes. Oh, and I guess they have teh same hair cut!

Otherwise: Big/Little, Tan/White, Boy/Girl...

What other opposites can you get from these pictures?!

Relaxing in our bed, after a long day and a nice bath, and while I put Daphne to bed! That's how I juggle three when Matthew is at JO's!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Babysitter Pictures

We have pretty much paid for our babysitter's tuition with the amount of time we've had her here this summer! She actually thanked me for letting her babysit, and said I had pretty much paid her tuition. Good stuff. At least it's going to a good cause. I don't know if it qualifies for "paying it forward", but it's got to be close!!!

From looking at my uploaded pictures, it looks like Mary took some pictures. She got some great shots!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthdays and Swim Meets

Swim Meets and Birthdays! We celebrated both of our birthdays at swim meets this year. Mine happened to fall on a swim meet day, and Matthew's the next week was the day after a swim meet (Wednesday night meets - we had them most Wed. nights and most Saturday mornings). The people we shared the pop-up tent with were really sweet and put up streamers and brought cupcakes for us. I made special brownies the next week for Matthew. It was a lot of fun, and something that will happen pretty much every year, unless we quit swim team for some un-thinkable reason! And, of course I never took my camera to the swim meets (there was enough stuff to schlep!), but one of our tent-mates took TONS of pictures and made a slide show. I will see if I can put it here, too!

The kids painted new pictures for Matthew's office, for a birthday present.
Oh, and yesterday both kids went to the dentist. Wyatt's front tooth was about ready to come out, so the dentist gave it a little help! So cute with a toothless grin! He also finally decided to have the tooth fairy come (since he had a stock-pile of three teeth out, four total, but he accidentally threw one over the fence b/c he thought it was a piece of his apple!). She was very generous and brought him 3 sparkley (litterally!) one dollar bills! He had me leave a note for her asking her not to take his teeth! :)
Matthew blowing out the candle on his brownie! We actually went out to a nice dinner with friends for his birthday!

Monday, July 13, 2009

An Annabelle Original

This is what she does. She loves to put together "outfits" and dance around and sing. If she's not doing this, she's pretend-playing something that usually seems like a variation on playing house. Or, if she isn't doing either one of those things, she's getting out various supplies from the art drawers and creating something. I think I see a theme here: creativity? Artistic? Imaginative? I think all are fitting. The worst part of all of this is that it literally looks like a tornado has moved through whatever given space she's been in, when she's done. She can tear up a space in a matter of seconds. It's such a bummer, but I have to say that I think creative people seem to "work" better in chaos. Maybe? Whatever, she's pretty entertaining!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Only Tahoe Trip this Summer (boo hoo!)

The weekend after we were in Washington, we scooted to Tahoe! It was very relaxing and fun, even though we didn't get to spend a whole week there like we normally do (we aren't spending a week because someone thought it would be really cool to take all the men in the family on a fishing trip on a remote lake in Canada!). Every time we are there, we remember why it is so awesome to be there! The air! The sun! The sleepy afternoons! Hiking! Swimming! Hanging out! The list could go on and on. The kids slept like champs, and I think it was the first time in a long time I really, really slept. It was great!

A little lunch down at the beach, on Papa's lap!

She's certainly grown into her "mundy-ness"!

Touching the sand for the first time (with Wyatt helping!).

The kids must have gone down this slide at least 100 time a piece! That must be why they slept so well!
Daphne passing the time...

Wyatt found this tire in the backyard, and had a great time dragging it up the steps and letting it go! Good. Clean. Fun!

And...ummm...this is our interpretive dancer? She's aqcuiring some pretty good moves!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Annabelle's First Dynamite Dolfins Swim Meet

This is just like Wyatt's from last year. She did a great job and had a lot of fun! There were two of them this summer, but I didn't bring my camera for the second one! I think I've realized that if I don't take the pictures, then there won't be the PRESSURE (self inflicted, of course) to DO something with those pictures!!!

Enjoy the videos of my Natalie Coughlin-in-training!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July in Washington

Another great trip! I traveled with the three kids up by myself, and they were awesome, of course! Coming home was a little difficult only because all three kids were so tired from all of the activity! Thank goodness Matthew was there on the way home!
I don't have the hundreds of pictures, yet. I'm not sure why dad hasn't gotten them to me, but they did send a few, so this is what you get!
Michelle, her mom and her boys came over the mountains for a visit! It was so much fun!

Off for a boat ride!

Not a bad way to enjoy your lunch!

Finishing off a fun-filled day w/smores!!!

Happy Birthday, Michelle!!!

My Honey's finally here!!! Ahhhhhhh...

What a way to take a bath! Lucky Daphne (7 Months Old!)

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Wyatt got to light them this year (I think the high light of the trip for him!).

Annabelle picked out this one - I think it's called Purplicious!

Matthew didn't realize the camera was in video-mode! :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Daphne Kickin' It!

I find myself video-ing LOTS with Daphne. There's too much I missed w/the other kids! Some of this might be VERY boring to you!!! This was taken on her 6th month birthday, June 2, 2009.

Here's another one taken a few weeks later of Annabelle and Daphne. You'll notice Annabelle competing...