Friday, February 12, 2010

Kid Updates!

I'll start with Daphne, since I took a couple of pictures of her today. I need to get a video of her crawling about. It's great! She is crazy and keeps us all so entertained! She can entertain herself like crazy, and loves interacting with Wyatt and Annabelle (and any other kids). She wants to communicate so badly! She uses the sign for "more" no less than a thousand times a day. We're left to figure out what she wants "more" of: stories, food, music, playing, etc. It's a crack up! She loves music, and moving her body to it. Annabelle got a CD player for Christmas. Daph goes crazy w/the 'more' when she sees the CD player. Also, she'll crawl back to AB's room, see it, and then come crawling back out signing 'more' all the way (and sometimes crying), until we go get it and play some music!

Last night at dinner (Matthew's in OC for polo), the kids and I were taking a vote for what we would have for dinner tonight. Wyatt was leading the discussion. He and I had voted on a something, then AB voted on the other thing. Next thing we know, we looked over at Daph and she's got her hand raised up high, voting just like the rest of us. It was hysterical! She's very observant, and wants to be a part of everything!

She still loves animals. She freaks whenever she sees dogs (or whatever else - we just happen to see dogs most often). She says ba for ball and loves to throw them or roll them between us. I would also like to get a video of one of us asking her to say mama. She's got a great sense of humor already...when we ask her to say Mama, she gets a sly smile and very emphatically says, "Papa!". We, of course, react wildly, and she just loves it!

She's loving to walk around holding our hands, but really hasn't started cruising on furniture, yet. Her sleep schedule is so unpredictable it's kinda funny, but not! She for sure has dropped a nap, but when and how long her other nap is seems to vary widely. Could in part be due to more teeth showing up. Who knows... the great part is that her disposition is consistent: happy. She has a warmth about her that strangers always comment on. She brings so much joy to all of us!

Here are a couple of pictures I took today. Get ready to lose your mind over how stinkin' cute she is! The space between her two front teeth seems to be quite wiiiiiiiide!

I made this shirt for her, for Valentine's Day. Enjoy our sweet Daph! :)

This is her crazy, very excited face! If only you could hear the sound she makes with it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Last Few Maui Pictures

Matthew and Wyatt took surf lessons on Thursday. They had an absolute blast! There were perfect learning waves, and both of them got up! Daph and I got there just as they were finishing, so we didn't get to see much. Next time, boys!

This was the sunset one of the days. It was like this every night. Just gorgeous!

Grandma got a few pics of Annabelle in my pool hat. Man is she going to give the boys a run for their money!

Grandma with Daph after her nap, just enjoying the waves and sun!

We did a lot of hanging out!

Grandma's having her lunch while Annabelle works steadily on a puzzle. 

And a little while later, grandma took a dip in the pool with Wyatt. You can't tell by this picture, but Wyatt really got her with his noodle. I don't think she had laughed that hard in a long time! And, look at the beautiful bougainvillea in the background! Love it!

One of the nights Daph hung with Grandma and Grandpa while we took the big kids out, Daph got a bath in the kitchen sink. After a couple of days and nights of fever-y sweat, she really needed it!

Hmmmm....where are her genes from?!

More pool playing! That girl loves her ball, and that boy loves his baby sister!

Look at how high Grandpa threw Annabelle! I think she liked it!

The kids needed a little break from the pool, so we played a game of go fish. The extra little guy is Joseph, who had been in Napili for 3 weeks, that the kids had befriended! Lucky guy... This was on Friday, or last full day. I think I spent a good part of the day drinking mimosas. Aaaaahhhhh. Gotta love vacation!!!

Out to dinner in Lahaina for the last night. Wyatt loved the tiki torches, of course!!!

And look at these awesome drinks! It was almost like dessert before dinner!

Daph was in rare form. Annabelle was loving her umbrella!

And a few pictures from our last day at the beach. Boo hoo! I need to find cheap tickets soon, 'cause I wanna go back!!!

More Maui

Each day we decided where we wanted to go first: the beach, or the pool, and then formulated our plan from there! 

This picture just happens to be at the end of the day...Mama's turn to read to the big kids!

Daph hangin' out with Grandpa, in her pretty clown-like shirt! Today, we started out at the pool!

And, now it's Grandma's turn! She was staying in the shade and outta the pool due to the fever she couldn't shake.

This boy looks pretty comfy in the pool. Just relaxing!

And, Annabelle having a moment with Mama! Do the kids have a problem with "vacation mode"? I don't think so!!!

After playing at the beach, you MUST at least try to get some of the sand off! It was Grandpa's duty today, as Matthew and I were getting ready to go to a magic show.

And since Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids while we enjoyed an evening out, Grandma got to read bed time stories!