Thursday, December 18, 2008

Budding Artists and Storytellers

Annabelle came home from school the other day with this picture, and she was so excited to tell me about it. It was so cute, I thought I should write it down for posterity!

Then, when Wyatt saw that I was scanning it for the computer, he, of course, needed to do his own!!!

Annabelle's New Dance Class

Here's a little video of Annabelle's "Christmas Dance". She's only been 3 times, so this is really cute. They have a recital in May, and she is soooo excited about it already!!! Enjoy!!!

Not Enough Time, or Not Enough Hands!

It's either one or the other around here these days! I have quite a few pictures and stories, but just haven't been able to get to them! I'll try to get something here may be cut short, though. I'll do as much as I can!!!

My parents were awesome...they came down before Thanksgiving...we all thought I'd have Daphne long before I did, so we tried to plan their trip around her arrival so that they could help with the kids. Well...Daphne had other plans, so they had to change their flights to leave on Friday, knowing that I'd be induced on Tuesday. They schlepped the kids around to school and other activities, cooked, fed, bathed, cleaned, fixed and were overall just amazing. All the while getting sick from the kids...I brought Daphne home on Wednesday and had to take Wyatt to the Dr. on Thursday - he had bronchitis and an ear infection! Yikes!!! Thank you, mom and dad!!!

Grandma , Grandpa, Wyatt and Annabelle meeting Daphne a few hours after she was born!

Water Polo doesn't stop just because a baby was born!!! Matthew and Wyatt are heading out for Wyatt's first introduction to a real water polo practice!!! He loved it and can't wait for more! He is going about once a week to the intro program. Matthew has even started taking our nephew Jackson, and another friend from Wyatt's class. He is a shameless self-promoter!!! :)

The kids litterally can't keep their hands off Daphne! I must say a thousand times a day to not touch her face or hands. I'm doing all I can to keep her healthy through the winter...we'll see how it works! They both are excited to see her first thing when they wake up in the morning, want to hold her various times througout the day, and are not happy if she's not in my arms when I come to their room to kiss them good night. Thank goodness they love her!!!

Had to get a picture of a cute new outfit!

Matthew and Annabelle looking cute!

Matthew's been teaching Annabelle the "sorority pose"!

And...they got Daphne to do it, too!!!

Awwww..... :)

Wyatt loooooovvvveeesss to hold Daphne!

Santa Day! I decided to bathe all three kids (and myself!) get them dressed and take them to see Santa! We made it in one piece, although it was quite an undertaking for me!

Here's Daphne's first bath!!!

Annabelle greeting Santa - she was so excited!

She told him that she wants the big box of all the princesses that she saw at Target!

Wyatt greeting Santa...Santa really liked Wyatt's hat!!

Explaining the Star Wars thing that he wants. I didn't hear all of it, so I'll need to clarify!!

Daphne telling Santa that mama needs a new purse! :)

When the kids looked at this picture with all of them, one of them said, "Wow, that's a lot of kids!" Funny!!!

Next on the To Do list...Christmas Cards!!! :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Just to Wet Your Appetite!

I don't have a lot of time for details, right now! All is well and we are settling in to our new addition! Daphne is absolutely wonderful, and Wyatt and Annabelle are over the moon with her! Here are some pictures:

Not really enjoying her first bath. Glad I wasn't there with her for it!!!

Grandma and Grandpa brought the proud brother and sister up to the hospital!

Annabelle talking to Daphne while we decorated the Christmas tree.
Checking out the tree!

She's thinking hard about something...