Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The blog has been a tough topic. I ALWAYS have material, but lately, I'd much rather read other people's blogs than update my own. It's so much easier that way, and I can do it quickly. I've also had some other major projects to take up my every waking minute (and sleeping minutes, too!) When I sit down to do this, it's never a quick and easy process. My mom tried not to beg yesterday when we talked, but she did say that she'd take even just pictures with no text. So here you go.

August 2009
The boys went fishing:

Grandma came down to hang with the girls:
Annabelle about 2 seconds into the car ride home after the circus

After the boys arrived home, Uncle Sean slept in Wyatt's bed. Annabelle was more than happy to have Wyatt in her bed, and vice versa!

We had just enough time in the morning to make french toast,
take Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Sean to the airport, then

get Wyatt to the pool for a relay at the County swim meet!

I took the troops to the zoo the day before school started, for one last hurrah!

The schule tute with all the first day of school goods:

My big first grader with a cheesy smile!

Okay, so I couldn't stick to the "no text" part. I hope you enjoyed! I will try my best to get September's pictures up ASAP! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Much more...

to post from the last month. Will for sure get to it this long holiday weekend!

Especially for Great Grandma!



Annabelle's has "Go Hokies" "Beat Bama" on it, too, but she did it in pink, so it didn't scan.