Friday, April 17, 2009

Daphne's 4 month Well Baby

The very next week, we got to see Dr. Nash, for Daphne's appt.! She is doing great, as well, but remains the "peanut" of the family. While both of the other kids have always been 90th percentile or greater, the Daphster is 24.5 inches long (75th percentile) and 14.04 pounds (65th percentile!). Pretty crazy. She will actually fit in to the clothes that she's supposed to wear at her given age - unlike the other two!

She continues to be as sweet as pie, and interested in everything that is going on around her. She doesn't fall asleep easily during the day when she has the time, but sleeps pretty well at night. Sleep or not, her demeanor pretty much stays the same: happy and calm. She is becoming the hit of the pool since we've been down there for Spring Swim clinic. Pretty much every day we are there, a new person (usually a mom) comes up and ooohs and aaaahs over her beauty!
Daphne @ 4 months and Wyatt at almost 4 months
Annabelle @ 4 months
They all look like siblings, for sure, but I still think she looks more like Wyatt! Most friends think she looks like Annabelle, though. What do you think???

6 Year and 4 Year Check Ups

Wyatt and Annabelle had their well-child check-ups at the same time. It was mostly uneventful, except that this was the first time that shots were a really big deal for Annabelle (none for Wyatt this time, and he won't have anymore until he's 11!) She was very traumatized by them - held her dress up over her bandaids afterwards, could hardly get herself to walk, cried and whimpered for quite a loooooong time. Mama only has patience for so much of the drama...Annabelle has issues with the idea of 'hurt' and bandaids vs. the reality. We'll see how long it takes to grow out of that one!!!
Anyway, here are their stats:
41.5 inches - 90th percentile
42 pounds - 90th percentile

50 inches - >97th percentile
72 pounds - >97th percentile

They're both consistently BIG! Annabelle is the average size of a 5 year old, and Wyatt is the size of an average 8 year old, according to Dr. Nash.

March 24th: Sister Accessorizing!

I walked in to the playroom/office to find Annabelle setting Daphne all up with a purse and necklace. I figured it was as good of a time as any for a little photo shoot! I love watching Daphne watch the big kids!

Grandma and Grandpa's March Visit

Yes, this was way back in March. This year, the visits have been fast and furious. They are here for the same amount of time, but the schedule doesn't stop, and there's always tons to do! In between all of the activities, there was time to hang out, thank goodness!

Grandpa's checking out Wyatt's new Star Wars pop-up book, and Daphne hanging with everyone!

Story time, of course! And Daphne chattin' w/Grandma!

Wyatt and Grandpa playing the zillionth game, and our cute family of 5 at El Nido.

Wyatt and Annabelle playing this game they made up, and more of the Daph-ster showing off for Grandma!

A friendly snail! And Daphne staying protected from the sun!

A mom's work is never done (or Annabelle getting a pedicure?!) Grandpa with one of his favorites...

Nice poses, kids!

We got to go "out on the town", well, actually to the Montair School Auction. My first time out since Daphne was born! Watch out!!! Good nights with Grandpa!

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for taking good care of and loving the kiddies. They don't know how lucky they are!

Friday, April 10, 2009

On Vacation

We haven't fallen off the face of the earth...we're just on vacation! The weekend before we left, grandma and grandpa were here, and I have some cute pictures to post. It will have to wait until we get back home, though. Be on the lookout for a loooooong post, as always, we've been busy!!! :)

In the meantime, here's a picture of Daphne I took with my phone: