Friday, April 17, 2009

6 Year and 4 Year Check Ups

Wyatt and Annabelle had their well-child check-ups at the same time. It was mostly uneventful, except that this was the first time that shots were a really big deal for Annabelle (none for Wyatt this time, and he won't have anymore until he's 11!) She was very traumatized by them - held her dress up over her bandaids afterwards, could hardly get herself to walk, cried and whimpered for quite a loooooong time. Mama only has patience for so much of the drama...Annabelle has issues with the idea of 'hurt' and bandaids vs. the reality. We'll see how long it takes to grow out of that one!!!
Anyway, here are their stats:
41.5 inches - 90th percentile
42 pounds - 90th percentile

50 inches - >97th percentile
72 pounds - >97th percentile

They're both consistently BIG! Annabelle is the average size of a 5 year old, and Wyatt is the size of an average 8 year old, according to Dr. Nash.

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