Sunday, March 30, 2008

Caught in a Moment of Weakness

Matthew and Wyatt were talking about the wood stacked next to our fireplace in our family room. Wyatt asked if they could have a campfire, roast marshmallows and make s'mores...
We ate s'mores until we ran out of graham crackers, and smelled like Grandma and Grandpa's when we were all done!

Things to remember...

1) We were driving to school this week, listening to some children's music. One of Annabelle's favorite songs is something to do with 'why did I have to have a sister', and it covers the opposite as well. After the song was over (and both kids singing their hearts out to it), Wyatt says, "I'd be sad if I didn't have a sister."

2) Sitting down to dinner last night, Wyatt starts singing, "You're down with O. P. P.! Who's down with O. P. P.?" This will only be funny to my generation.

Good contrast between exposure, huh?!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Matthew and I woke up to the sound of jelly beans dropping on the wood floor. I was hoping that Wyatt wouldn't see them or would forget?! that there would be something hidden for him, but no chance. We yelled for him to come upstairs, and not do anything else (we wanted to watch him hunt, and wait for Annabelle who was still snoozing!). He came up with his hands full of Jelly Bellies and by that time AB had woken up.

Now, the jelly beans were carefully placed by the Easter Bunny to kind of lead the kids to their baskets. Guess that didn't really pan out. Good try EB. So as we started searching for the baskets, Wyatt pipes up with, "I found Annabelle's, but I re-hid it, but I can't find mine anywhere!" Hmmm...okaaay... So he showed AB where her basket was (great fun for her...maybe she'll get to hunt next year!) and we gave him hints to where his was (in the computer/play room under the desk). They were very excited to open the eggs to find the surprises and to munch candy.

We headed over to Oma and Opa's house shortly after for the annual Easter Egg hunt. All cousins were there, including Aunt Amy and the girls. It was really great to have the entire Mundelius bunch together. The cousins can never seem to get enough of each other, despite the age range of the oldest being almost 17 and the youngest being 3. We had a huge brunch after the hunt and just hung around in the beautiful 70 degree weather!

Going through the goods!

Audrey, Amanda, Annabelle, Wyatt, Jennifer, Jackson, Maile, Brian & Aurora

Amanda helping AB find eggs!

The sun coming through the trees...beautiful!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Perfect Trifecta for our Little Girl

Annabelle turned 3 on Wednesday. She got to celebrate, and celebrate, and celebrate! We started with a Mystery Ride to Oracle Arena on March 9th, for the Disney Princess Wishes on Ice. She dressed in her favorite princess dress and was mesmerized throughout the entire show. It's a tough call to decide who enjoyed it more between Wyatt and Annabelle...we wouldn't have really guessed that one...but it was a fun family day none-the-less!

(This is me trying to take a picture of her while she's on my didn't really capture the moment!)

What a handsome king!

And this is how the goofy one wears it!

Next was a big family birthday party last Friday. Grandma and Grandpa were here from Washington and we had the rest of the Mundelius clan here, too. We have 5 March birthdays in our family, so it was kind of a party for everyone.

Eatin' some pizza with the cousins.

Maile and JJ carefully watching AB blow out her candles!

A pinata fit for a princess!

Then on Wednesday, her actual b-day, Annabelle got to choose where she wanted to go for dinner. She chose "the Pinata Restaurant", which is actually called La Ultima. They have a pinata that the kids can choose a piece of candy from, so it is now officially renamed in our family. We had some ice cream and came home to open her presents from us. I'm pretty sure her favorite one is the pink sparkley shoes that came in the box with Cinderella on it!

Pretty, Pretty Princess's actually cute and fun!

Okay, now on to who Annabelle is right now...
Annabelle keeps us laughing all the time. She is goofy and playful. One of her favorite things to do is dress up in one of her dress-up dresses and dance around as she's singing songs. Sometimes the songs are ones you might recognize, other times they are a stream of consciousness. One afternoon, recently, we were out in front of our house where there is a large boulder. I walked out to find Annabelle standing on the boulder singing some song about the trees and leaves and flowers...and then when she found her reflection in the big window, the movements started and the singing became louder! It way hysterical! I watched her watch herself singing for quite a long time...

She also loves to pretend. She will go off somewhere and be fully entertained by whatever she finds. Usually, she'll take what she finds and it will turn in to a tea party, or she's making stew or something like that. It sometimes creates a pretty big mess, but she is so entertained!

She does well in chaos. When I drop her off in the morning at her pre-school, it's usually pretty crazy. I think there are some pretty rambunctious boys in there, there are parents coming in and out, and not all of the teachers are there, yet. Annabelle's way of dealing with it is by going down to the carpet where they have circle time and just waiting....waiting...and waiting until circle time starts. I watched from the window the other day as kids were running around her, kids screaming that they want their mommies, others playing with various toys, and all she did was sit there and watch them all! Each time I drop her off, I encourage her to play, but she ALWAYS says, no I'll sit on the carpet for circle time.

Annabelle has started piping up with bits of knowledge that has surprised us! With Wyatt, we can always tell he's working on figuring something out (I think it might be the constant questions!), but she doesn't do that, so it isn't as easy to observe. She knows lots of letters, can ALWAYS pick out an A for Annabelle! And many times will beat Wyatt to the punch when we're asking him a question (and we didn't think/know she knew the answer!). She's getting rhyming with made up words and real words, which as a teacher does my heart proud! That is a great indicator of phonemic awareness which is the basic building block for reading.

She is sweet, tender-hearted and caring. She makes our hearts smile! Happy 3rd Birthday, Annabelley Gamelley!!!

Coloring Easter Eggs

The kids had a BLAST coloring eggs. We colored a whopping 72 eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide at Oma and Opa's!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

Grandma and Grandpa came for a long-awaited visit from Washington. The kids always look forward to having them here, as they get a lot of undivided attention from them! They have come to know that Grandma will most likely have presents for them, too, which is always exciting.

Unfortunately, between T-ball practice, soccer and my need for my dad to finish the trim in out new bathroom/laundry room, the kids just didn't get enough time with them! By Saturday afternoon (when my dad had been working ALL DAY on the trim), Wyatt said to Grandpa, "When are we going to get to play??!" Thank you for all the work, dad. We really appreciate it! Lucky for us all, you'll be back in a few weeks with Great Grandma!
Waiting for T-ball to start...

Playing, Grandpa style!

Being mellow with Grandma...for just a minute...

Blowing out the candles at her second b-day celebration!

Bedtime stories with Grandma!

Testin' out the new ramp!

You ALWAYS make bacon and French Toast when Grandpa is around!
She wears pink well...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bathroom/Laundry Room Update

We finished tiling (whew, what a job!!!) and I have started painting. I painted enough in the laundry room to get the washer and dryer back in. I think I will finish that this weekend. The bathroom is all painted! We were planning on a greenish color, but then decided a red would be a better compliment to the tile. Here are a few pictures.

All of the fixtures are in for the pictures will be a finished bathroom!!! Yipppeeee!!!

I don't know how he's 5...

Wyatt turned 5 on Monday...crazy, because he was born on a Monday. Hadn't thought about that until just this minute. He is so 5 years old, if not more. He's always been a wise little person, but sheesh! He's such a boy now. No more toddler, no more baby. It's tough to stomach but an amazing thing to experience all at the same time.

Wyatt still loves to build - playing with Legos, K'nex, lincoln logs, you name it. One Saturday morning recently, Matthew and I were relishing the 7:30 a.m. hour because all was still quiet. Annabelle sometimes sleeps in, but Wyatt RARELY does. As it creeped closer and closer to 8 o'clock, we couldn't believe it, but wanted to just soak it in at the same time. Soon enough, Wyatt came upstairs. He had FOUR different things he had built out of K'nex - two for each of us. He presented them like a special delivery on our bedside tables! So, actually, he hadn't slept in, but was busily working away in the playroom. Go figure! His attention span is such a gift for this sort of thing!

He asks questions constantly! I know deep down that this such a great thing, but sometimes it just gets to me. He will ask a question just to ask it, not because he's truly wanting to know. Most of the time, he is keenly interested in the answer, though, so I just try to take a deep breath and come up with an intelligent answer for him!

He is so excited about any activity these days. He is currently taking swimming lessons once a week and is in a little soccer program, too. Oh, yeah and a science class that's called Mini Engineers, but I'm not quite sure what the engineer tie is, yet. Coming up is T-ball and a few mini camps along with swimming for the summer. He can't wait for all of it!

He is patient and loving with his sister. It's amazing to see him be so willing to consider Annabelle and her wants and needs. He couldn't be a better role model for her. She loves to copy anything he does, and he (so far) hasn't been annoyed by her.

Wyatt is really figuring out language and math. He's constantly telling us different math equations such as, "three plus four is seven!" He usually stays within the boundaries of 10, but it's so fun. This is all on his own...usually. We now have to watch what we spell around him...he often times knows who or what we're talking about... I'm not saying he can spell everything, but he's pretty good at guessing based on a few letters. We have to spell some kids' names backwards so he doesn't know who we're talking about!!! When he watches a program that does word families, he grabs a pencil and paper and writes the words. As a teacher, it's just crazy to get to observe the progression!

Okay, so he had his party on Saturday. It was a superheroes/The Incredibles party. I think all of the kids had fun! They played, ran out a bunch of energy playing freeze tag, freeze dance and the limbo! After some pizza, they were on to the pinata and then some ice cream cake. Wyatt said his favorite part was playing football with his friend Clayton from school and breaking the pinata. It doesn't get any better than that!!!

Dash and Violet welcoming their first guest - Princess Chloe.

That sandbox was such a great investment!!!

Playing on the play structure!

What a cutie!

Freeze Tag!

Freeze Dance!!!

And, Limbo! Who knows where Wyatt got the idea for this...

Pinata time!

Jackson gives it a whack!

Chloe's turn!

Grabbin' up the loot!

Blowing out the candles! (Wyatt picked these out!)

Oh yeah...and here's a picture of the kids the day before stuffing goody's pretty cute!!!