Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I don't know how he's 5...

Wyatt turned 5 on Monday...crazy, because he was born on a Monday. Hadn't thought about that until just this minute. He is so 5 years old, if not more. He's always been a wise little person, but sheesh! He's such a boy now. No more toddler, no more baby. It's tough to stomach but an amazing thing to experience all at the same time.

Wyatt still loves to build - playing with Legos, K'nex, lincoln logs, you name it. One Saturday morning recently, Matthew and I were relishing the 7:30 a.m. hour because all was still quiet. Annabelle sometimes sleeps in, but Wyatt RARELY does. As it creeped closer and closer to 8 o'clock, we couldn't believe it, but wanted to just soak it in at the same time. Soon enough, Wyatt came upstairs. He had FOUR different things he had built out of K'nex - two for each of us. He presented them like a special delivery on our bedside tables! So, actually, he hadn't slept in, but was busily working away in the playroom. Go figure! His attention span is such a gift for this sort of thing!

He asks questions constantly! I know deep down that this such a great thing, but sometimes it just gets to me. He will ask a question just to ask it, not because he's truly wanting to know. Most of the time, he is keenly interested in the answer, though, so I just try to take a deep breath and come up with an intelligent answer for him!

He is so excited about any activity these days. He is currently taking swimming lessons once a week and is in a little soccer program, too. Oh, yeah and a science class that's called Mini Engineers, but I'm not quite sure what the engineer tie is, yet. Coming up is T-ball and a few mini camps along with swimming for the summer. He can't wait for all of it!

He is patient and loving with his sister. It's amazing to see him be so willing to consider Annabelle and her wants and needs. He couldn't be a better role model for her. She loves to copy anything he does, and he (so far) hasn't been annoyed by her.

Wyatt is really figuring out language and math. He's constantly telling us different math equations such as, "three plus four is seven!" He usually stays within the boundaries of 10, but it's so fun. This is all on his own...usually. We now have to watch what we spell around him...he often times knows who or what we're talking about... I'm not saying he can spell everything, but he's pretty good at guessing based on a few letters. We have to spell some kids' names backwards so he doesn't know who we're talking about!!! When he watches a program that does word families, he grabs a pencil and paper and writes the words. As a teacher, it's just crazy to get to observe the progression!

Okay, so he had his party on Saturday. It was a superheroes/The Incredibles party. I think all of the kids had fun! They played, ran out a bunch of energy playing freeze tag, freeze dance and the limbo! After some pizza, they were on to the pinata and then some ice cream cake. Wyatt said his favorite part was playing football with his friend Clayton from school and breaking the pinata. It doesn't get any better than that!!!

Dash and Violet welcoming their first guest - Princess Chloe.

That sandbox was such a great investment!!!

Playing on the play structure!

What a cutie!

Freeze Tag!

Freeze Dance!!!

And, Limbo! Who knows where Wyatt got the idea for this...

Pinata time!

Jackson gives it a whack!

Chloe's turn!

Grabbin' up the loot!

Blowing out the candles! (Wyatt picked these out!)

Oh yeah...and here's a picture of the kids the day before stuffing goody's pretty cute!!!

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