Thursday, June 9, 2011

Big Girl Choice

About 2 months ago:

Annabelle: Mom, I want bangs.
Me: Uhhhh...I don't think so....uhhhh...I like your hair without bangs. Why do you want bangs?
Annabelle: I don't know...Because I like them.
Me: Is there someone that has bangs that you want to be like?
Annabelle: Nooooooooo....
Me: Well, let's wait a while. I think your hair might be too hard to do with bangs. (huh?!)

But really? Why do I care? It's just hair, and it's something she thinks she really wants, and she's not asking for a mohawk or purple hair or, or, or....

So yesterday after school I took the kids in for a trim. I wasn't even really thinking about bangs, but when she got in the chair and the lady asked, I asked Annabelle if she still wanted them, and of course she said yes.

I'm not sure I love them, but it's a harmless request, and maybe they'll grow on me.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Same with boys! Jacob wants his hair longer, Nicholas likes his short & tight. I's hair. As long as they look "kept", that's one choice I can let them make.