Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Activities

We went to see Santa last week. The kids were both excited and eager. Wyatt had a new list of things he talked to Santa about (Transformers, the Incredibles DVD, and...there was one other thing, but I can't remember right now!). Annabelle told Santa she wants Cinderella. I don't really think it matters in what shape or form...she is just in love with all of the Disney princesses. The picture (that I am less one arm and leg for) turned out not so good.'s the experience that counts, right?!

I'm coming to find that both kids are not so compliant when asked to pose for photos these days. I can catch Wyatt, and he almost always looks good (very photogenic, he is), but's MUCH tougher to get a good one of her. For starters, she doesn't really look at the camera. Also, when she does her "cheese" face, her eyebrows turn downward as if she's getting ready to attack! Or, one will cooperate and the other won't! I just need to go back to the candid photos...I can usually get better ones that way!

We went to see a play put on by a children's theater company at the Lesher Center in Walnut Creek on Saturday. The play is called "The Greatest Gift". The kids loved it, and the length and storyline were perfect for them. The kids were dressed cute, so I tried to get some pictures...ugh...these aren't very good, but here they are:

This weekend we are going on the Train of Lights through the Sunol Valley. We're really looking forward to that! Then Grandma and Grandpa fly in on Sunday and the real craziness of Christmas begins!

1 comment:

biga said...

Wish I was there with you guys, but I'll have to settle for Turtle Bay. XOXO