Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Last year 4th, this year 2nd!

The National Club Championships, called the Speedo Cup, was last weekend. I waved good-bye to my husband, wishing him luck, and hoping that I didn't go into labor while he was in Michigan for five days! His team did phenomenal (because of phenomenal coaching, of course!) and took second place this year! That means his little 680 Water Polo club team out of a little town in Northern California is the second best team in the United States! I guess the time away was worth's too bad he had to spend 5 days in Michigan to prove it! (Although, I know he LOVES every minute of it...) And, lucky for Matthew, I was able to get rid (read: kill) of the little visitor (a MOUSE!) that decided to show up on Friday afternoon, while I'm home by myself, very pregnant, with 2 children to care for! Wyatt and I found the dead mouse today and took care of it accordingly, thank goodness...

So here we are...37 weeks pregnant. Nothing new to share on this dilation, no nothing. I'm not miserable, yet, so that's good, and everyone says I look "small". I'm trying to take that in the most positive way possible! I don't feel "small". I'm looking forward to meeting this little one, and anxious about being exhausted! Annabelle continues to talk to my belly, give it kisses, etc. She's probably going to have smothering problems when the actual baby is here! Wyatt is, well, Wyatt. I'm pretty sure he's happy a baby will be joining us. He asks questions about it, but his interest is more logistics than emotional, I think. It's pretty funny how they operate so obviously different!

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