Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Loose Tooth!

For some crazy reason, Matthew told the kids they could have Drumsticks for breakfast on Saturday. The ice cream kind. For breakfast. Of course they were beside themselves, and enjoyed every minute of this early morning treat! Wyatt was busy eating away when all of a sudden he burst into tears. He was crying so hard that he couldn't tell us what it was that he was crying about. After a minute we were able to calm him down enough for him to tell us that when he bit down into his Drumstick, his bottom tooth got stuck and it hurt! Low and behold, that tooth is now loose!!! We get daily updates on it, now. He seems to think it's getting more and more wiggly each day, which I'm sure it is, but it still seems like it's a ways away from coming close to falling out all the way. I'm totally excited about it...Matthew is less than so. It grosses him out, which I can only think that he has nightmares of Wyatt's top tooth being ripped from its gums when he was only 11 months old!

Wyatt is becoming known and the "smiley kid" around Montair School. More than one parent has commented on how he is always smiling. It's funny, because it's true, except that he keeps his grumpiest self hidden away until those times he's only with his mama.

He is also playing in an indoor soccer league. It is a ton of fun to watch, and the games go fast! There are two 20 minute halves and they never stop the clock. The kids boot the ball as hard as they can, and when it ends up getting near another player or going in the goal, it's a shocking and extremely exciting surprise! He smiles the ENTIRE time he is out on the field. It's pretty cute to watch!

This is the way Wyatt has been starting his day. Let me explain: The catalogs are coming in full force, as I'm sure you're experiencing. Wyatt can't wait to get his hands on them and pour over every detail of every item within each one. So, as soon as he gets up, he grabs the catalog, the blanket, jumps into "his corner" of the couch and sets up shop. He's pretty content for the next hour or so. It's pretty cute.

And this is what Annabelle's doing...I don't even have an explanation! She's quite a character!

Lastly, last Friday, Wyatt's teacher hosted a little baby shower in the classroom for me. It was so sweet! She had the kids sing a couple of songs for me, they predicted how many days it would be before the baby came (the range was from 10 days to 30 days!, with the average being 17. I'm hoping it's more close to the 10 day mark!), made a graph of their predictions of whether the baby would be a girl or a boy (14 kids think it's a boy vs. 3 think it's a girl! hmmmm...), made a name suggestion balloon and put together a book where each child wrote a sentence telling what a baby needs and drew a picture to go along with it. Mrs. Larson had cake for us to enjoy and a few of the kids brought in presents for the baby, too! It was so very thoughtful and a lot of fun. I had a hard time holding back tears...

I had a dr. appt. yesterday and finally got the good news that I have dilated to ONE WHOLE CENTIMETER!!! Whoooooppppeeeee!!! (if you're thinking that sounds kind of sarcastic, you're right!) Now I know that still doesn't mean anything, but I'm taking it as proof that my body hasn't completely reneged on the deal of actually going into labor at some point in the coming week or so. We'll see what happens!!!


biga said...

Drumsticks for breakfast. Whats for for Thanksgiving, It's It's?

Johnny GoFast said...

Drumsticks are very nutritous and the cornerstone of any fortified breakfast. I applaud my brother and his dietary choices for his chitlands.