Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our First adventure in serious home improvement!

Last year, meaning January 1, 2007, Matthew suggested that remodeling our powder room/laundry room would be a great goal. I thought that sounded good...not too big of a job, but big enough. I played around with paint color early in the year, looked at a bazillion different vanities, etc. Well, when January 2008 rolled around we finally started to get serious! I couldn't let another year go by with six, yes, SIX different colors of paint on that bathroom wall!

So here we are, I think technically in the middle of our project. I started early last week by removing base boards and starting the linoleoum removal. What a joke! Don't ever insatll lino!!! Well, come to find out, after getting about 80% of that up, we realize that there is particle board under it that needs to come up, too. After some friends came over to help us remove our toilet, vanity and washer/dryer, Matthew started in on the particle board.

We now have particle board up, all staples removed (there must have been 1000 of them!), hardi-backer mortared in and screwed (another thousand screws!), and I think we're ready to start actually laying tile! We hope to have the tile part done this would be nice to have the washer/dryer back...

This is the ugly wall paper that was under the base board.

Wyatt ready to help Papa!

Particle board all out and cleaned up! (Annabelle didn't care to be in ANY of these pics!)

A disgusting spot that keeps getting worse with everything I try! Guess what's next?! New carpet!!!

This is what happens when Mama and Papa are hard at work and the kids are left to play...
Hardi-backer is all cut and fits like a puzzle!

And a little video of the face marking!!!

1 comment:

biga said...

Quite a job, I didn't realize it was the laundry room too. I'll try to swing by this weekend. But not too early, as I don't want to make you feel awkward that it's not finished ;-)