Thursday, June 24, 2010

A little more, since she's left my lap!

A warm day, eating some watermelon! And a rare picture of mama and the kids!

A picture of our house...what will eventually be the "before" picture!

Annabelle's pre school graduation day! This is her good friend Abby.

Annabelle's primary teacher Miss Lana.

Another reading session on the couch! I couldn't resist the photo op!

My boy can put some inflection in his reading!

Daph's done reading for the moment, and up to her usual craziness! She provides many moments of laughter!

I mean, honestly?! What are we going to do with this one???

And then there's this...

Another Wyatt photo...admiring the new shirt Great Grandma sent to Daph.

And, Annabelle on Father's Day - she disappears in her bedroom for a while and the emerges with some crazy combination of wig, headband, etc. Always entertaining!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought perhaps we were related!

Steve Mundy