Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, I can't believe I didn't post about Christmas...we've been busy, of course! I have pictures and all that, but it will have to wait. Since New Year's, we've been to Tahoe for the great big storm - there was SOOOO much snow! The kids had a lot of fun playing in it. We weren't able to get Wyatt skiing b/c the weather was so uncooperative. I guess that means we'll have to get back up there soon. I don't have any pictures...of course I forgot my camera!

We are headed to San Diego today...and my camera is already packed! Matthew is there for a convention, and we're tagging along for some fun. Tomorrow we're headed back to Sea World and then Saturday we're going to Lego Land. Matthew has the kids calling San Diego "San DiLego". It's pretty funny. We're headed to the airport right after I pick them up from school. Should be a ton of fun!!!

On a different note, my grandpa passed away yesterday. I wanted to make a mention because my grandma is the biggest reader of this blog. She is usually my motivation for posting. Wyatt knows Great Grandpa, and Annabelle can identify him in pictures, but I don't really think she has a working memory of him like Wyatt does. My kids are fortunate to have Great Grandparents, and especially ones like Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Roberts. We are sad that Grandpa has passed, but these last few months had not been easy for him.

My Grandparents bought a farm after my grandpa took early retirement from IBM. I had the good fortune of being able to spend my summers in Virgina, on a 140 acre farm, learning what it means to be a farmer. I can't even begin to detail the experiences that we (my brother and myself) had, but I can only hope that my kids will be able to have something similar. It is somewhat of a lost culture, and will be hard to give them a similar experience. The farm was mainly a pig farm, but they also had horses, cows, chickens, ducks and a pond! We saw the cirlcle of life, experienced hay and all the work that goes into it, and the ups and downs of farm life. My grandpa was a hard worker and a great man. He got awfully onery towards the end, but the stories made me smile. I love you, grandpa, and am thinking of you, grandma!

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