Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We carved pumpkins last night. We didn't grow as many BIG pumpkins this year (I must have bought the wrong seeds!), but we did find one or two decent sized ones at the pumpkin patch. We have lots of little ones, though.

True to form, Wyatt was very focused on the task...we had to start before Matthew even got home from work! He really wanted to help with the carving, and I think Matthew did let him do a little bit...and then he really wanted to use the lighter to light the candles...hmmm...he's such a boy! He did a great job of cleaning out the pumpkin, too!

Annabelle, as you will notice, wasn't that interested...she liked the crayon to draw on the pumpkin, she thought the little saws and knives were neat, but when it came time to clean out the gooey stuff, she got distracted. I think she scooped out 4 seeds with the little scooper, and then was done. You also might notice the costume changes. She went inside, was gone for a while, and then reappeared with a different 'gown' on! Then she was very happy stacking the candles, etc. She wasn't interested, but she can entertain herself really well!!!

Snacking on some peanuts while waiting for Papa to get home!
Gettin' in there and gettin' it done!
Notice how she's making sure to not really touch anything with her flesh!
Cotume change!

First one is done!

Papa carving Wyatt's scary pumpkin!

Of course, I chose a challenging design to carve...this is me pretty much being over it!
Stacking the candles (I can't get them in the right order, but you get it...)



biga said...

It's about time for an update :-) how about spacing them out a little bit?

Shannon said...

If you came to dinner a little more frequently, we'd try to accomodate your viewing desires as much as possible!

Johnny GoFast said...

My favorite is the second from the right. Classic pumpkin. We've gone overboard with the creativeness that it is now chic to go back to simple.