Friday, August 3, 2007

+= Binky Fairy

So goes the story we told Annabelle last night. The Binky Fairy was coming to take all of her binkies to give them to new babies that need them because she was a big girl now and doesn't need them anymore. We put the binkies in a box together and set them outside on the barbeque bar. We told her that when the Binky Fairy comes, she'll take all of the binkies and leave a very big girl special present for her.

Okay...I started that entry exactly 20 days ago (today is Aug. 23)! Yikes!!! So the basic highlight of that story was that after I put Annabelle to bed, I could hear her through the monitor say emphatically, "Today, I want my binky back. I NOT a big girl, yet!" Talk about breaking my heart. After about 1 1/2 hours of snuggling and re-explaining, she just fell asleep. In the morning, I woke to hearing her - "Mama, Moooommmyyyy...Cinderella...the Binky Fairy....Cinderella...the Binky Fairy brought Cinderella!!!"

Pretty much every day she asks about her binky and why she doesn't have it anymore. I'm sure that will fade with time. She hasn't cried about it, though, which I didn't expect. She's quite the trooper!!!

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